Birthday Gratitude for KMUD Support

Two days ago, I returned from three weeks in California, where I'd lived for about fifteen years. Today I wrote a letter to the editor of The Independent (a weekly newspaper published in s. Humboldt county), who has just emailed to say that he will publish it in their next edition. Here it is.

This past June, I wrapped up nearly 15 years of life in Humboldt and Mendocino counties - including 11 years as a DJ at Redwood Community Radio - before moving to Austin. I returned in mid-September for a farewell shindig, and to celebrate my 60th (as well as KMUD news-anchor Lauren Schmitt's 27th) birthday, on Sep. 17. After extended visits with friends here and there, I finally arrived safely back in Austin yesterday afternoon.

I wanted to thank and acknowledge the generosity of my old friend and former colleague from KMUD's Board of Directors, Siena Klein, who weeks before had offered her home in Miranda for this party. The foul weather that had been forecast held off until late in the evening; then folks dashed inside, the better to hear the booty-shaking tunes that KMUD's Feral Selector laid down all night. A huge cake from Ramone's got cut around 11, and it gives me great pleasure to report that the couple dozen folks still present responded generously to an appeal on behalf of the station, with over $400 donated.

Although the body is far away, my spirit remains tied to that beautiful corner of the world. Thank you, old friends and former listeners, for your love and support over the years.


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