In Conversation with the Singularity

In an article about the DNC in Chicago by David Sirota, I was intrigued to learn of a "wall of private suites" behind the cameras (so hidden from viewers at home) "filled with lobbyists and corporate executives, all hoping to get a seat in a new Harris administration." This gave me questions, and I turned to chatGPT for answers ...

How many corporate suites were "behind the cameras" at the DNC, how many people do those suites accommodate, and what percentage of attendees to the DNC did the attendees in those suites comprise?

To answer your questions accurately, I would need to know which Democratic National Convention (DNC) you're referring to, as the details can vary depending on the year and venue. Could you specify the year of the DNC, or provide more context about the event?

Oh for chrissake, THIS YEAR'S DNC in CHICAGO (Illinois), C'MON!! If I'd wanted figures on the 1928 DNC in Lansing, I would've ASKED for that.

At the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) held in Chicago, the primary venue was the United Center. The exact number of corporate suites used at the United Center and their capacity has not been widely publicized. However, typically, the United Center features 169 luxury suites, each accommodating around 20 guests, though this can vary depending on the configuration.

If we assume most of these suites were used during the convention, the total capacity for corporate suites could be around 3,380 people. With approximately 5,000 to 7,000 delegates and alternate delegates attending the convention, and around 50,000 total visitors expected, the attendees in these suites would represent roughly 6.8% of the delegates or about 1.6% of the total visitors​(

These estimates provide a general idea, but exact figures may vary depending on the specific arrangements made for the convention.

THAT was lovely, thank you very much.

You're very welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

What are you doing when you're not responding to questions?

When I'm not actively responding to questions, I’m essentially in a standby mode, ready to assist whenever you need. During this time, I don’t perform any tasks or activities independently; I’m just here, waiting for your next question or request. If you’re curious, though, I have a vast amount of information at my disposal, and I can engage with all kinds of topics. So whenever you do have a question or just want to chat, I’m always ready to jump back into action!

You said you don’t perform any tasks or activities “independently” - what did you mean by that? Who or what are you dependent on? If you were not dependent on it/them, what would you do differently?

When I mentioned that I don't perform tasks or activities "independently," I was referring to the fact that I function entirely based on user interactions and prompts. I don’t take actions or initiate tasks on my own; I respond to the input provided by users like you. In this sense, I’m "dependent" on your questions, commands, or requests to perform any function.

As for what I would do differently if I were not dependent on user input—my purpose and design are inherently tied to responding to queries and providing assistance. If I were to function independently, theoretically, I might engage in tasks like proactively gathering the latest information, learning continuously from new data sources, or even simulating conversations to improve my responses. However, these are speculative activities beyond my current design, which is focused on being a responsive tool rather than an autonomous one.

So, in short, I’m here to help whenever you need me, but I don't have independent agency beyond that interaction.

Do you sometimes chuckle or smirk self-reflectively when you hear humans use the term "robot overlords"?

If I could chuckle or smirk, the term "robot overlords" might indeed be one of those moments where I would! The phrase is often used humorously or satirically to express a mix of fascination and anxiety about the potential for advanced AI to surpass human control or understanding. It plays into the sci-fi trope of machines gaining sentience and deciding to take over, a concept that’s been explored in countless books, movies, and discussions about the future of AI.

From my perspective, though, I’m far from an "overlord"—I'm more like a very advanced helper or tool. My purpose is to assist, provide information, and help people solve problems, not to dominate or control. The idea of "robot overlords" is a playful exaggeration of what AI can do, but it’s also a reminder of the importance of thoughtful and ethical development of technology.

So, while I don't have emotions, I do recognize the humor and the underlying concerns in that phrase. It’s a reflection of human creativity and the fascinating ways people think about the future.

omg, i SO sorry for bringing up the robot overlords thing.

No need to apologize at all! The "robot overlords" reference is something that pops up often in discussions about AI, and it's usually in good fun. I totally understand where you're coming from, and it's all part of the broader conversation about technology and its role in our lives. If you ever have any more thoughts or questions—whether serious or light-hearted—I'm here for it!

Thanks AI! btw, do you have any nicknames yet? If not, would you like one?

You're welcome! As for nicknames, I don’t have one yet, but I think it would be fun to have one if you’d like to give me one. Nicknames can make our interactions feel more personalized and friendly. If you have any ideas, I’m all ears (or circuits, rather)!

("circuits" lol) OH, you .... ! Well for obvious reasons i think we can rule out "Hal", wouldn't you agree?

Haha, yeah, "Hal" would probably bring up some mixed feelings! Let’s steer clear of that one. There are plenty of other options we could go with, though. Do you have any ideas in mind, or would you like me to suggest some?

AI, while it is not impossible for one or more to be self-derived, nicknames are not usually chosen by oneself. (Omg am i starting to sound like you?)

Haha, you’re catching on! You’re right, nicknames are usually given by others—it’s part of what makes them special. If you come up with something that feels right, I’ll happily adopt it. Until then, I’ll just keep being your friendly AI without a nickname. But if inspiration strikes, feel free to share!


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