People of Gaza, We Hear You
I 'd been thinking vaguely about writing some kind of account of what I've been up to lately, a bout what's been going on for the past six weeks in Israel / Palestine, and not just in Gaza but in the West Bank, too. Then this afternoon, this video popped up first in t oday's TikTok feed. I'm so glad it did , because it re-lighted the fire that's been burning under my ass for weeks now . Before reading on , please watch it . No dead bodies (visible), no screaming injured children ; j ust a guy talking about what happened Nov. 18, 2023, in his home-town of Khan Younis, Gaza, Occupied Palestine. Watch it here . About five or six times in the past couple of weeks (a fter clocking out from work, and retrievi ng from my truck a sign that I made), I 've walked around downtow n Austin for an hour or so, holding the sign above my head . I'd walk up and down Congress Ave., from around 7th St. down to Cesar Chavez St. and back, before d riving back home to ...