Civil Rights icon Bayard Rustin died this day, 1987

33 years ago today, legendary civil rights icon and activist Bayard Rustin passed away. He was 75. Dig this! One of his most important contributions was introducing the Gandhian concept of non-violence to the civil-rights movement. He "provided Dr. King with a deep understanding of nonviolent ideas and tactics at a time when King had only an academic familiarity with Gandhi." "A close advisor to Martin Luther King and one of the most influential and effective organizers of the civil rights movement, Rustin was affectionately referred to as _Mr. March-on-Washington_ by A. Philip Randolph" (the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters). Rustin's having survived most of the 20th century while living in the United States as an openly gay black man also adds a layer of the incredible to his incredible life-story. The involvement of his grandmother, Julia Davis Rustin, in the NAACP meant that Rustin's childhood home was often visited by movement lumi...