The Nearly Nine!

The Nearly Nine! things you can do from home to advance the cause of anti-racism Including suggestions from musician, human-rights advocate, and general bad-ass Benjamin Mertz -- -- -- -- -- The ongoing global pandemic is one reason you might have not joined the ranks of protestors around the count ry , who’ve been pouring into the streets lately of cities big and small. But many ways exist to advance the cause of social justice, including actions you can take from your own kitchen table. For example: 1. Let someone know how much you appreciate their stand against racism. These days, our media is flooded with the stories of folks who are doing amazing things , sometimes taking big risks while striving to build a more equitable world. Reach out to them, and thank them for attempting to make a difference . History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling...